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Sheikh Abdourahman Mohamed Ali, a religious leader committed to the fight against FGM

Sheikh Abdourahman Mohamed Ali, a religious leader committed to the fight against FGM


Sheikh Abdourahman Mohamed Ali, a religious leader committed to the fight against FGM

calendar_today 22 October 2024

Sheikh Abdourahman Mohamed Ali, a religious leader committed to the fight against FGM
Cheik Abdourahman Mohamed Ali- Religous Leader President of National Council of Fatwa-Djibouti


Sheikh Abdourahman Mohamed Ali, President of the High Islamic Council, is among the religious leaders in favour of the abandonment of FGM. He joined the FGM program as a resource person since 2008 at the beginning of the joint UNFPA-UNICEF program for the elimination of FGM in Djibouti. The Sheikh is a member of the national coalition of religious leaders for FGM abandonment in Djibouti, he has trained more than 450 religious leaders, also contributing to the establishment of the national network of religious leaders Shamekat Djibouti initially created in 2015 through the launch of the regional network of Organizations of the Faith of the Arab Region States with a high prevalence of FGM. The Shamekhat network of Djibouti is composed of 60 religious leaders with 20 women religious leaders called “mourchidates”. The Sheikh's personal commitment is reflected in his family life as father of 3 daughters, he deliberately chose to ensure the protection of their physical integrity against his family members. He does not hesitate to use himself as an example to encourage men, as fathers, to protect their daughters and encourage women to get rid of this harmful practice. Sheikh Abdourahman is convinced that inter-religious dialogue must be strengthened by sharing knowledge to build a coherent and powerful message that highlights the incompatibility of FGM with fundamental religious values of Islam.

“My responsibility as a father and religious leader requires me to ensure the protection of my daughter above all. It is often said that the practice of FGM is a women's issues, I always refute this. This practice has nothing to do with religion and families must ensure the protection of their daughters, as the Girls represent the future of their community.